Quote Meadmin00092025-02-11T15:41:58-05:00 Kiosk Quote Inquiry Form Please fill out form and you will be contacted ASAP 1. Date * 2. Name * 3. Company Name * 4. Title 5. Email * 6. Phone Number 7. Which kiosk are you interested in more information on? * Outdoor KioskOutdoor Floor Stand KioskIndoor Floor Stand KioskSpecter KioskKiosk StandsTouchscreen All-In-OneWall Mount KioskQSR Kiosk 8. Describe your Project? What is the application for the Kiosk? What will it be used for? * 9. Configuration Details Check all that apply CameraPrinterKeyboardBarcode ImagerSintra SignageWIFIMicrophoneCastersPaperCard ReaderCustom GraphicsSecondary LCDWebcamMSRRFID Reader 10. Do you have specific hardware requirements or Operating System Required? Please check all that apply AndroidWindowsLinuxOther 11. Size(s) Required * 10.1”15”17”19”21.5”27”32”43”49”55”Other 12. Quantity Requested Check all that apply 1-23-45-6Other 13. Do you have software? * YesNoIn Development 14. Project Timeline 15. Additional Details